Eye Health Services
At IAAPB, we are dedicated to ending avoidable sight loss. We work towards developing new techniques and methods to prevent blindness and curtail progressive loss of vision. Our focus is on providing high-quality eye health services to those who need it most.
Advocacy and Awareness
We believe that everyone has the right to good eye health. That's why we work to raise awareness about the importance of eye health and advocate for policies that promote access to eye care services.
Collaboration and Partnerships
We know that we can't do this alone. That's why we work with a global network of partners to develop and implement effective eye health programs. By collaborating with other organizations, we can address the complex challenges of ending avoidable sight loss.
What We Do
Active advocate for change: We work with governments, and NGO’s like Rotary International, Lions Club, etc., and other decision-makers to raise awareness of the importance of eye health and to ensure that better techniques are developed for the delivery of eye care services in countries around the world.
We run major conferenced on a bi annual basis in India and abroad for training to eye care professionals so that they can provide high-quality eye care services, and teach professionals on how to more effectively utilise hi tech equipment to maximise the results.
Raising awareness for sight loosing diseases like Glaucoma, Diabetes, Corneal changes, Dry Eye Syndrome through public education campaigns and other initiatives.
IAAPB is a powerful voice for eye health. By joining IAPB, your organization can help us end avoidable sight loss and improve the lives of millions of people around the world.
Our Future Plans

Working with WHO
Working with the World Health Organization to develop a new global strategy for eye health to supporting the development of national eye health plans in countries around the world.

Working closely with companies and Corporations who are developing newer techniques for eye care diagnosis and treatment to further mitigate the scourge of blindness.

By 2030
IAAPB is committed to ending avoidable sight loss by 2030. It is our strong conviction that everyone has the right to see, and we will attempt to make it a reality.
Our Team
Contact Us
Ophthalmologic Network Organisation (ONO Eye Clinic: Switzerland)
Maienwies 1, 8852 Altendorf, Switzerland
Email: jbovet@ono.world
Phone: +41 79 202 07 71
Website: https://www.ono.world